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Indonesian Cultural Diversity

*English edition*

Indonesia, largest archipelagic country in the world, with the population reaches 270.203.917 people in 2020, and fourth most populous country in the world, including the most populous moslem country in the world, with more than 230 million adherents.

Its own breadth reaches 1.910.931 km², which strecthes from Sabang to Merauke. No wonder, because Indonesia is so vast, so many difference that we get in Indonesia. But, it doesn't make a problem for us, because we always believe that being difference doesn't stop us from being united, which also the motto of our nation, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Indonesia is so rich, both from diversity and natural resources which unfortunately are controlled by foreign countries. But, we will not discuss it here but we will discuss about its diversity. Yeah, Indonesia has a lot of diversity. Starting from ethnicity, race, religion, habits, traditions, food, local language, clothes, folk dance, folk song and many more. Even the countries participating in the Asia-Africa summit have made Indonesia a place to manage ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup diversity.

I will explain some of cultural diversity in Indonesia :

1. Custom Home
Houses built the some way from generation to generation and with little or no change. Custom home is an important component of the physical element of cultural reflection and the tedency of cultural traits there are formed from traditions in society. In Indonesia, each region has its own traditional house. Example is Gadang House in West Sumatra, Joglo House in Central Java, and Hanoi in Papua.

2. Traditional Ceremonies
Traditional ceremonies are a series of activities of carried out and passed down from generation to generation. It is a cultural heritage that belongs to our ancestors and has noble values in it, and reflects social life that has been passed on from generation to generation. Example is Ngaben in Bali, Ngaben procession is a ceremony related to death by burning the corpse and drifting the ashes in to the sea or river.

3. Traditonal Clothes
Traditional clothes is a costume that expresses an identity, usually associated with a geographic area or time period in history. In Indonesia, tradional clothes are usually worn when doing weddings. Then, each province has its own traditional clothes which means in total there are 34 traditional clothes in Indonesia. Example is Ulos from North Sumatra, Kebaya from Central Java, and Koteka from Papua.

4. Folk Dance
Folk dance is a form expression of feeling, performed by dancers with combination of motion and rhythm, which is carried out at certain moments. The art of dance in Indonesia is a cultural heritage from the ancetors that must be preserved, has a sacred nature, and should not be done carelessly because every movement in the dance has a special meaning and significance. Example is Tari Kecak from Bali, Tari Jaipong from West Java, and Tari Piring from West Sumatra.

5. Folk Song
Folk song is song or music that comes from a certain area and becomes popular is sung by the people of that area and other people. Traditional songs usually refers to a song that has a special rhythm for an area. In general, Local songwriters are unknown. Example is Bungong Jeumpa from Aceh, Manuk Dadali from West Java, and Rasa Sayange from Maluku.

6. Traditional Weapon
In the past, traditional weapon were used by the community to defend their territory and protect themselves. Not only that, traditional weapons are also used for farming and hunting activities. Now, traditional weapons are changing in function as a complement to traditional clothes when holding certain ceremonies. Example is Rencong from Aceh, Golok from Jakarta, and Kujang from West Java.

7. Regional Specialities
Indonesia is famous for its food. This is not surprisingly, being blessed with fertile land for producing spices in the world, making indonesian food has the characteristics of each region. Culinary or food is also a tangible cultural product that is very easy to recognize as the identity of a society. Example is Rendang from West Sumatra, Pempek from South Sumatra, and Soto Banjar from South Borneo.

So, Indonesia is very wonderful country which has a lot of cultural diversity, However that thing doesn't make us divided, it makes us even more united.

Proud to be Indonesian.                      


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