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The Great Benefits of Washing Hands and How to Do it

*English edition*

Just take a little time to do it, but we often miss this. Even though we know this is an important thing in maintaining our personal hygiene. This is what could be if we don't it, it will make us sick with diarrhea. Obviously this is a very important thing. So, what is this important thing ?. We all know it's about hand washing.

Habits of washing hand with soap be an important part in the chain of  health defense. Even though simple impressed, habits of washing hand with soap is long term health investment which can reduce disease transmission. 

According to The Global Hand Washing Patrnership mention that habits of washing hand with soap has many benefits, among them :

1. Risk reduction of respiratory tract infection by 16 to 23 percent.
2. Risk reduction of pneumonia by 50 percent.
3. Reduction of substantial in neonatal infection.
4. Risk reduction of endemic diarrhea up to 48 percent.

But, awareness for washing hand with soap still very low. Only 19 percent around the world who washes hand with soap after defecate and 35 percent health facilities don't have water and soap to washes hand.

Then, how do you wash your hands properly ?, The way is easy, here we explain :

1. Wet your both hands from palm until mid arm with clean running water.
2. Pour soap sufficiently and apply to both your hands until cover the entire surface of the hand.
3. Rub both palms and back of your hands consecutively. Don't forget to rub finger hands and between fingers until clean. Then, also clean under the nails. Clean up both mother fingers of hands with holding and twisting motherfingers consecutively.
4. Rub hand at least for 20 seconds. 
5. Rinse hands well under the clean running water.
6. Dry hands with using clean towel or under hand dryer.

So, the conclusion is it's essential to change behaviour with familiarize yourself to hand washing with soap mainly before eat, Before anf after serving food, gone to the toilet, and after sneezing. That's it.   


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